Member Login

Membership of the Club, also known as Ordinary Membership, is open to all serving, former and retired Civil Servants of the United Kingdom, and to current, former and retired employees of Government Agencies and NDPBs (Non-Departmental Public bodies). Membership is also open to current, former and retired members of companies carrying out ex-Civil Service work.

Associate membership is available to people who are not eligible to be an Ordinary member. Associate members are not entitled to vote or take part in the management of the Club but are otherwise entitled to all the privileges of membership. Please note that applications for Associate membership need to be sponsored by two Ordinary members of the Club.

Partner membership is available to the wives, husbands or partners of ordinary members. Partner members are not entitled to vote or take part in the management of the club but are otherwise entitled to all the privileges of membership.

Download Direct Debit Mandate
Please note the direct debit can only be set up from the second year of your membership and
the direct debit mandate must be sent at least 3 weeks prior to the month your membership is
due (for example if your membership is due in the end of February you must send the direct
debit on or before 7th January if received after it would only then be set up for next year and
we will require an alternative payment). We must have an original direct debit form so it would
need to be either sent to the club by post or be dropped off at Club's Reception, digital copies
are not accepted. If you would like to set up a direct debit for a joint membership you would
need to fill in 2 separate forms, one for each membership.


Types of Membership & Costs

London Ordinary: 

London membership is for those eligible (see above) who live/and or work in the Metropolitan or City of London police areas of London.

Ordinary Member Form
Country Ordinary:

Country membership is is for those eligible (see above) who live and work outside of the Metropolitan and City of London police areas.

Country Ordinary Member Form

Associate membership is open to anybody who wishes to join the Club but has never been a Civil Servant or eligible for Ordinary Membership. To join as an Associate member you have to have a proposer & seconder who are Ordinary members of the Club.

Associate Member Form

If you wish to add your partner to your membership you may nominate your partner at the time of your application to join the Club or anytime afterwards.

Partner Member Form
Life Membership

Life membership is available for anyone nearing or over 60 years of age and can be of the type: London, Country, Associate, or Partner.

To apply for life membership please click the appropriate form and select life membership in the drop down section on the application.
Costs for Annual Membership as from Jan 2023
Membership Type Cheque, Cash & Debit/Credit Card Continuous Annual Direct Debit
*can be set up for the second year of your membership onwards
London £63 £60
London + Partner £81 £77
Country £53 £50
Country + Partner £71 £67
Associate £71 £67
Associate + Partner £89 £84
Partner £18 £17

Representative Costs for Life Membership as from Jan 2023​ (see notes below)
Membership Type Cheque, Cash & Debit/Credit Card
London £315
London + Partner £405
Country £265
Country + Partner £355
Associate £355
Associate + Partner £445
Partner £90

Joining Fee

A fee of £20 will be added to the above costs. This fee will be waived in the following circumstances:
  • the application is for the partner or life partner of an Ordinary or Associate member.
  • the applicant is aged under 25.

Life Membership Fees

If you are under 60 years of age then you must add one year's subscription for every year that you are under 60. For example if you are 58 applying for a London membership you would need to pay 2 x £63  (£126) plus £315 = £441.

If you are over 70 on taking up Life Membership the cost of life membership is reduced by half.
For postal membership applications click the link to and download the PDF. You can then print and complete the form and return it to the address shown on the bottom of the form.

Membership application forms are also available at the Club's reception.

For further details email membership: [email protected]